Our teak is grown in the blazing heat, sun, and rain of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Teak is weather resistant due to its high oil content. Yet, it is easy to work with and sands and seals to stylish perfection.
We are a Teak Plantation in Costa Rica.
On our "Pura Vida" farm we are Mother Nature friendly, and have planted over 45,000 trees the last 6 years.
We harvest responsibly and use only eco friendly methods for processing. We help the community by employing locally and use sound management practices.

Here at Teakboards, we are always happy to feature customers recent builds using our farm grown, eco-friendly Costa Rican Teak.
We truly believe in our "Pura Vida" farm and being Mother Nature friendly and so do our customers. Check out Wrensilva and their custom Teak handcrafted HiFi Record Consoles.

We offer 1 inch thick teak boards that are 7 feet 10 inches long, in widths of 4, 5, and 6 inches. This length is perfect for standard 8 ft interior or exterior walls combined with floorboards and crown molding. Teak wall siding is durable and accents space with light brown and yellow tones.